Wednesday, December 29, 2010
9 months!
*Mason is starting to his own crazy way! He has an interesting way of getting from here to there but he gets where he needs to go.
*He can also go from a crawling position to sitting up all on his own! I must say I was quite impressed with this move!
*Mason has one new tooth on the top and he is getting another bottom tooth. We are having a hard time with these two but he is being such a trooper!
*He is now on three meals of solids a day! He has been sick for a couple days so he hasn't been eating just nursing but I am sure he will get right back in the swing of things. I will also be adding some meat to his diet this month.
*He is working on using his sippy cup. I am thinking of getting a new one...the one we have I am not too happy with. I had the best training sippy cup with Syd but she destroyed it and of course I can't find it again. Any suggestions?
*He is talking a ton! He says Dada, baba, and papa!
*Mason is such a smiley baby! He just smiles and laughs at you all the time! I was truly blessed with this one!
*I have also noticed that Mason is starting to discover what his toys are really for. He is really starting to "play" with his toys. He got a little work bench for Christmas and he accidentally did something with it and discovered it made a noise, so he continued to repeat his action and laugh each time. It was so cute to watch him discover and explore his world!
We don't go for his 9 month visit until the middle of next month...I think his schedule there got messed up once so we go 2 weeks after he should, so I will update on his weight and height after we go in January.
Happy Birthday baby boy! We love you so much!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Our first broken bone

Monday, November 29, 2010
Eight Months!

Friday, November 19, 2010
Holiday Cards and Shutterfly
I have ordered from Shutterfly before and everything has always been great and of high quality. I have ordered four different photobooks in the past and I love them! They are a great little photo book to look back on and I didn't have to do a thing but upload my pictures! I have also ordered personalized calenders before and they were a great gift for the grandparents! You can even add special holidays and dates that are personal for your family. You add your own pictures and sayings and they do the backgrounds and put them all together for you! I have also recieved a book from them as a gift and I loved it. Be sure to check out Shutterfly for all your picture needs!
To make your own calender go here...
To check out their photo books go to...
Here is the link to get your own free Holiday cards!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Another Milestone
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pajama Party
Last night at Bunco we had a pajama party! Great idea Becky! I, of course, don't have pajamas, just sweats, and I was told that was not good enough! So Lisa was kind enough to pick me up a pair from consignment and Sarah washed them for me! What great friends! All I had to do was pick them up and change! I took Syd this time because Becky, Lisa, and Sarah all have little girls around Sydney's age. Sydney is the oldest by about 4 months. It is so fun to watch them interact and play together! They had a blast and were pretty good. It got a little loud and rowdy toward the end of the night but we didn't really have to worry about them too much. We only had about 50 potty breaks between the four of them! If one of the girls had to go, then the others thought they should too! The food was awesome! We had cheesy chicken alfredo with garlic bread and no bake cookies! AMAZING! I am so happy to be a part of this group. Sarah asked me to join about a year and a half ago and I am so glad she did. I have made some great friends and I so look forward to my one Tuesday a month! Keith watches both kids, unless I take Syd, and I get a whole night to myself! I am so grateful for the friendships I have made and the amazing girls I have met. We always have a good time and usually do more talking than actual playing! Last night we actually played the whole round and I even won two prizes! I won Toy Story 3 (which I loved and am so excited about!) and a basket with popcorn, candy, and tissues (which I will need because I cried the first time I saw this movie!).
The four happy girls!
Thanks girls for all the great memories and for the many more to come!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sydney's 3!
Here are some things that my big girl is doing
*Sydney loves telling knock knock jokes. Her favorite one is knock knock, who's there, Boo, Boo who, Don't cry it's just a joke! She laughs and laughs!
*She loves dressing up and playing pretend. I have noticed in the past few months her ability to make up stories and do dramatic play with her dolls and toys. She has always been good at independent play. From the very beginning I wanted to instill in her the ability to play by herself and entertain herself. Sometimes she plays by herself in her room for hours without a peep. I play with her of course but she loves to play by herself as well. This has made me having Mason much easier. She is able to play and not need me as much so that I could/can focus on Mason when I need to.
*Books still have a special place in her heart. She loves reading and always has. We recently took our first trip to the library and she loved it! We have gone twice now and she loves borrowing books and bringing them home to read. She can read for hours and hours.
*Sydney loves to bake and cook with me. I am starting to let her help me more. I have a bit of OCD in the kitchen and I don't like a mess but I am learning that the fun she has outweighs my need for cleanliness.
*SYDNEY IS POTTY TRAINED! I am so happy to add this to the list. She wears a diaper at naptime and bedtime but that's it. I am so proud of her for making this big step. She has trouble getting her pants up and down by herself so most of the time when we are home alone she only wears a shirt and her underwear.
*She still loves Barney and Dora but her palatte is expanding. She likes lots of different Disney movies and Strawberry Shortcake. She also likes Max and Ruby and a lot of the Nick shows. She loved Spongebob and ICarly as well. I know that makes it sound like she watches a lot of tv and she does but to defend myself she has the tv on for noise but she doesn't sit and watch it all day.
*Some of Sydney's famous lines are, "Mom, quite acting like a freakin child!", "Ok, ok, just relax!", "Booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere" and the list goes on and on. She is HILARIOUS!
I am so proud of Sydney and become more and more proud of her everyday. I love her with all my heart and she is truely the best little girl. I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing but she is just so much fun to be around. Happy Birthday Big Girl! Mommy and Daddy love you!
TEETH or should I say TOOTH!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Happy 1/2 Birthday Mason
Here are some things Mason can do now
*Mason still nurses at 7, 10, 1, 3:30, 6 and then usually before bed. He also now eats cereal once a day mixed with a fruit or a veggie
*He can get anywhere he wants to go by rolling! He gets all the way across the living room in no time!
*He still sleeps through the night but has been taking less time to sleep during the day. I think he has a hard time sleeping during the day because of his loud sister!
*Mason loves, loves, LOVES his sister! She makes him laugh and smile all day long. As a mom, I love watching them interact and spend time together
*I think he is starting to get a tooth
*He is really starting to love his jumperoo and actually jump in it!
*He plays with toys and can grasp things and grab for things.
*He talks and laughs all the time! He loves his voice and loves hearing it! He screams and yells too...just because he can!
*He recognizes his name and will look if you call him
Mason has been such a blessing and a great addition to our family. There were times early in my pregnancy that I thought I was going to lose him and the thought of not having him just breaks my heart. I can't imagine our lives without this little blue eyed man in it! He has completed our family and filled my heart with more love than I thought could fit. You never think you can love another as much as the first but it was instant love. We love our little Mason Tason Chunkey Monkey! Happy Birthday baby boy! Can't wait for the future and all the fun and excitement that is to come!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Double stuffed!

My very BIG boppy pillow!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Potty training

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Some pictures of my babies
My big girl! Where has the time gone?
My babies together
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mason Monday
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Melting crayons!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Chicken Parmigiana Recipe
Chicken Parmigiana Recipe - Food by Yahoo! Shine!:
1/3 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 14-1/2-ounce can diced tomatoes, undrained
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
Dash black pepper
1/4 cup snipped fresh basil
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves (1 to 1-1/4 pounds)
1/3 cup seasoned fine dry bread crumbs
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
1 beaten egg
2 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons olive oil or cooking oil
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (1 ounce)
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
For sauce, in a medium saucepan cook onion and garlic in hot butter until onion is tender. Carefully stir in the undrained tomatoes, sugar, salt, and pepper. Bring to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes or to desired consistency, stirring occasionally. Stir in basil. Keep warm.
Meanwhile, with a meat mallet, pound each chicken breast half between two pieces of plastic wrap to 1/4-inch thickness.
In a shallow dish stir together bread crumbs, the 3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, and oregano. In another bowl stir together the egg and milk. Dip chicken breast halves in egg mixture, then in crumb mixture to coat. In a 12-inch skillet cook chicken in hot oil over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes on each side or until golden. Transfer chicken to a serving platter.
Spoon sauce over chicken. Top with shredded mozzarella and 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese. Let stand about 2 minutes or until cheese melts. Makes 4 servings."
Monday, August 30, 2010
Five months old!
Mason is hitting some of his big milestones...rolling over both ways, he started cereal, grabbing things left and right and staying awake for longer periods of time.
-He has been rolling over for a month or so and if we don't watch him he gets all the way across the room!
-The cereal thing...well I am not so good at giving it to him everyday. I am only giving it to him once a day. I was really good about it for like a week and then I didn't give it to him for a week and now I am back in the groove. He usually gets it around dinner time. He really doesn't seem to like it as much as I first thought he did. I think I might try oatmeal because I am thinking the taste might be a little bit better. I am going to try and wait until he is six months to start any first foods.
-I noticed about a month ago that Mason had good control of his hands and grabbing things that were put in front of him. He stares at them really hard and puts his hands up slowly and grabs that toy! He is also partial to hair and necklaces and clothing!
-Now, as far as napping goes, he has never been a good napper. I attribute that to his loud sister running around this house because when she has been gone he sleeps great! He takes little cat naps throughout the day with only one really good nap during Sydney's naptime. And sometimes that one isn't even that long. But he is usually asleep for the night at 9 at the latest and he sleeps till about 7 so I can't complain in that department. He really is a good baby and many many people tell me how easy going he is. He has really fit in quite nicely in this loud always on the go family!
-He usually nurses at 7, 10, 1, 4, 6:30 and then sometimes again at 8:30 or so. Those afternoon ones are always subject to change and sometimes he does that 6:30 one later so then he doesn't eat again until the morning.
-I have noticed that he is enjoying playing more especially in his jumperoo and on his play mat.
-His new trick is blowing raspberries! He is a slobbery mess! But so cute so you can't be mad at him!
Happy 5 month birthday baby boy! We love our little chunky monkey, scooter booter, Mason Tason! We like to rhyme in this house!
Mason Monday
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sydney Sunday
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sydney Sunday
Friday, August 20, 2010
Lots of updates
Well, to start with Mason is now four months old! Almost five now! I can't believe how quickly the time is going! He is rolling over from back to belly very well but for some reason has some trouble with belly to back. He can do it, it's just harder for him to do it that way. He had his four month check and weighed in at 17 lbs 2 oz and was 25 1/2 inches long. Which is 60th percentile and 80th percentile respectively. He just started cereal this week. He loves it! Everytime he sees that spoon he opens his mouth big and wide. Even from the first day! He is such a happy smiley baby. When I go in to get him in the morning he greets me with a huge smile! I just love that! It makes getting up at 7 o'clock much more pleasureable! He just adores his big sister! He just stares at her and smiles and laughs at her all day long. She can do no wrong in his eyes! I can't wait till they can actually play together and interact.
Sydney's third birthday is fast approaching and I can not believe that my baby girl will be 3. Three seems so old to me. We have been talking about sending her to Three year old preschool but most of them want her fully potty trained and she is just not there yet. We are really struggling with that. She just doesn't seem to care to potty train or want to pee in the potty. She will do it if you make her but she doesn't usually initiate it. We are working on it though! I told her no more diapers once she turns 3! She said ok, but we will see! Syd is so smart and funny! I can't believe some of the funny things that she says sometimes. She is also smarter than I give her credit for. She knows a lot more than I knew...I knew Barney and Dora were good for something! She is so accident prone. She got her fingers stuck in an elevator door (thank God she was ok), stung by two bees and stuck something up her nose (that wasn't an accident but you know what I mean) all in the past two weeks! Crazy girl!
My cousin Mike recently stayed the week with us and it was so much fun to have him. He was such a help with Sydney and keeping her entertained. Mike is 11 so I was worried he would be bored but I don't think he ever really was. We took him to the zoo and the park to play soccer. My sister in law Jessie took Mike and Keith to MSU (where she is a grad student in Athletic Training) and they got to see all the facilities and locker rooms. Mike got to try on a helmet and drink Gatorade that they have on tap in their practice locker room! I hope he had a great time with us because we had a great time having him!
We recently got Mason baptized into our church in Jackson, MI. We had so many family and friends come to celebrate in our special day. It really means a lot to us that people will travel to share in those special times with us. We all went out to Olive Garden after that baptism and then back to our house for socializing and fun! It was so great to see everyone!
We recently visited the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum and loved it! We didn't make it through the whole thing because of the whole hand in the elevator incident. But what we did see we loved! Syd was running around like a kid in a candy store checking it all out. They have special area just for kids under 4! It was so much fun and I can't wait to go back so we can see it all.
I am also thinking about starting some new regular posts on my blog so I can keep my interest in it going. I am thinking about posting a new picture of each child once a week. Sydney Sunday and Mason Monday. So, look out for those! One of my other fellow bloggers Kristen thought it would be a good idea to start a weekly (or maybe biweekly or monthly) recipe post. I think this is a great idea. We can start a What's for dinner tonight post and share all of our recipes with eachother. So, in honor of this I am posting a recipe I found online for some very yummy Lemon Garlic Tilapia. I have made it once already and am planning on making it again very soon!
Also on that link are 3 other recipies for quick and easy tilapia. Let me know if you try any of them! I would love to have a review before I take the leap!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Friday we decided to spend most of the day shopping and seeing the sights downtown. We decided to take an hour long boat ride and it was so much fun. Sydney loved it and they had snacks you could buy on board so we got her some popcorn. They also told us we could feed the popcorn to the ducks which she loved. Everytime we got near a group of ducks they would make a bee line for the boat! Mason did well on the boat too. He woke up about half way through and got a little fussy but I had a bottle ready for him. I was able to pump enough so that we always had a bottle when we were out of the hotel room. I brough two frozen ones with me and the rest I pumped there! After the boat we shopped for a bit at River Place and then headed to Zehnder's for lunch. The food was very good but by this time poor Syd was exhausted and was acting out a little. After we ate we headed back to the hotel for naps while my parents and Julie shopped some more. After naps Keith took Syd back down to the water park and Mason and I (and my parents/Julie) headed back out for a little more shopping with the plan that I would go back and pick up Keith and Syd for dinner. Well, they decided to walk from the hotel! We all went to dinner and found out that the fireworks were that night. We went back to our hotel and sat in the back of our vehicles and watched the show. We had a great view and didn't have to deal with all the traffic and people. Sydney loved them and kept saying Oooooh and aaaaah and oh I like that one Mommy! After that it was up to bed. Another great day!
Saturday brought our check out and the end of our stay in Frankenmuth. We headed to Birch Run, which is about 5 miles away and went to the outlets. But first, we had to go to Tony's so Keith could get his massive BLT with one pound of bacon on it! All their portions are huge. My omelet and hashbrowns came on a seperate plate and it came with 3 pieces of toast! After we were all stuffed the shopping commenced. We didn't make it all the way around but we hit the stores we wanted to. I bought the kids quite a bit of clothes and new jammies. Keith and I got a few items of clothing and I stocked up on my Bath and Body Works. After that we headed home. It was a great vacation and we had an awesome time. My mom, dad and Julie were huge helps with Sydney!
Then on Sunday we decided to get Syd's pool out again and grill out some burgers for dinner. Everytime we do something on a holiday I always think about making our own traditions so I made the decision to go to Mason last night and watch their fireworks. We parked at Meijer (with about 300 other people) and sat out on their grassy area our front to watch them. They put on a great show and Sydney did pretty good until the end. She was just so excited that she wouldn't stay on our blanket and that was scaring me. We were near the parking lot and I was nervous she would get hurt so we had to leave early because she wasn't listening. But we basically saw the whole thing. I am glad we didn't even attempt to head to the fairgrounds where they were really shooting them off. I am sure it was packed. All in all, we had a great weekend! So much fun with my little family! Oh and the bonus was that Sydney did a great job peeing on the potty while we were on vacation! We will see how this goes from here on out!
Monday, June 28, 2010
It's been long time!
Sydney just amazes me more and more everyday. She says things and uses words that I have no idea how she knows them. She is putting long sentences together and her memory is incredible! She remembers everything! She loves singing and dancing and she loves dressing up like a princess and pretending to go to the ball! Her pretend play really blows my mind. She is so imaginative and plays so well by herself. She has always been independent like that and from the beginning I wanted to make sure that she was able to entertain herself and not need constant stimulation from other people. She reads for hours in her room. The kid has more books than toys! Which is great but I am running out of places to put them! She is such a water baby and would be in the pool all day if you let her! She likes to take showers now, which I find so grown up. The only thing that she is slow on is the potty training thing. I have no idea how to get her to want to do it. She knows how but she doesn't want to. My mom called her and asked her if she was using the potty and Sydney said, "No, but I should!" She knows what she is supposed to do but doesn't want to. I have bribed her, used gifts, stickers, taken things away and nothing works! I guess she will do it when she wants to but man I would love to save some money on diapers! Buying two sets is terrible!
Friday, June 4, 2010
2 months!
-His swing
-His bouncy seat and he likes to be bounced really fast!
-EATING! All the time!
-Taking showers with Mommy
-He loves to be bounced around! He doesn't sleep if you are holding him...which makes me sad because I want to cuddle with him but he just won't have it!
-Taking a bath
-Getting in his car seat
-Being in his car seat when the car is not moving
He really doesn't have too many dislikes at this point which I am grateful for! He is now smiling and cooing and laughing which I love! He is starting to get his little personality and I just love it! Sydney loves when he smiles at her! I am just loving this time with the both of them!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Six weeks
Sydney is doing well and has really adjusted to having a little brother. She really can't get enough of him and loves holding him. I feel bad for Mason sometimes because Sydney is constantly touching him or poking him or getting in his face. Poor kid has a hard time sleeping during the day because his sister is so loud and always bugging him. I can't believe how much she has grown up these last few weeks. The stuff she says just cracks us up. The other day our landlord was out mowing our lawn and he and his riding lawn mower fell in the creek behind our house. Keith took Sydney to the window to look at him and she said, "That's a big problem!" Then later when I asked her if she saw him mowing the lawn she said, "No Mommy, he was mowing the river!" I just love her! She is too funny!
I think that I am finally adjusting to having two children. Everyone always worries about the other kids in the house and as a Mom you forget to get yourself used to the idea of another child. It was much harder than I expected it to be and I think I was very overwelmed with all that I was expected to do. I think this week I am finally starting to feel like I can handle this. I love them both so much but man they are work!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Happy One Month Baby Boy
-Eating all the time!
-Being cuddled really close
-Being held
-The after bath time when he is all relaxed
-The bouncy Mommy walk! (all you Mommy's out there know what this is!)
-Sleeping flat
-Being swaddled
-Not being held
-Getting his diaper changed or taking a bath
He is currently wearing 0-3 mon clothes but also fits quite nicely into 3 mon clothing! He is a big boy and never got into anything newborn. He currently has blue eyes just like his mommy! He also poops more than any kid I know. We were at the Dr.'s office last week for an hour and he pooped three times and was poopy when we got home! He is usually fussy during Sydney's naptime and then quiets down when Sydney wakes up! He is sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time at night! He then eats and then goes right back to sleep (most of the time!). He is just such a joy and I love watching Sydney interact with him. She just loves him to death. She never leaves the poor kid alone! I just love being the parent to my little man and my big girl!
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Challenging Week
So needless to say it was a long week with the two sick kids. Sydney did pretty well this week but she is definatly acting more like a two year old and acting out for more attention. She doesn't take it out on Mason, she loves him to death, but she just does things she knows she isn't supposed to do. I was trying to let her do fun things, like I let her paint on Wednesday. She was in my eye sight but I was feeding Mason and then things got really quiet. I went over to check on her and my whole wall was red and she looked as though she had murdered someone! Thank goodness it was Crayola paint and it all wiped right off but I was so mad. I held it together well though and didn't yell at her and freak out. Hopefully this week will go a little better and hopefully they both get better quickly!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
My Big Girl

I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday it was Sydney that was this little. I know everyone tells you how fast it goes but you don't really know until you have your own. Looking back to when Sydney was a baby I remember wishing the time away. What I mean by that is I would say I just wish she would sleep through the night, or I just wish she was talking or walking already. Now I know not to wish any of this precious time away. I want them to stay little forever. I am so not ready for my kids to grow up. I just want to freeze time and hold on to them forever!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Our first few days
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A few things I left out
Also, when I was doing my laps around the floor, slowly I might add as I was contracting, there was another patient also doing her laps. Only she was freaking running! I think she thought it was a race. She lapped me three times before I could get to the end of the hallway! Everytime she would go past me when I was having a contraction she would look at me like what the heck is her problem. This was her first baby come to find out and she was not having any contractions yet, she was also an induction. I thought, oh honey, just wait! I swore I was gonna trip her. She was going so fast that her husband needed to sit down and rest and she went on by herself in her fake uggs! We dubbed her "Mallwalker"! She later became known on the whole floor by this nickname. When my labor stalled she was still walking and I said I swear if she has her baby first I am going to freak out! By the time I had Mason, she was still walking! Much slower now though! She didn't make it down to the Mother Baby wing until the next morning and she ended up right next door!
These two funny events really made us laugh throughout the day and kept my spirits up!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mason's Birth Story
When Mason was born he had a pretty high fever so they had to run some tests and do a blood culture. Everything has come back normal so far. His bilirubin was a little high but nothing that is going to keep us from all getting to go home together! He will also have to go and see a Ped Urologist because his forskin is too short and there might be a small abnormality to his internal anatomy. So they were unable to circumsize him here. They will have to do it there. The night we got moved to our Mom and baby room I started to have chest pain. The nurse kind of blew me off so when my Dr came in the next morning I told him about it. He immediatly said he would call the cardiologist and get him to come and talk to me. That made me so relieved to know he was so on top of my care. I had to have an ECHO and a CAT scan. Both came back normal and so did my blood work. The cardio just thinks that it is from the stress of pregnancy and labor and should go away soon.
With all of this happening we had some uncertainty about when Mason and I would be able to get discharged so we sent Sydney home to Ohio with her grandparents. Both sets will get some time with her and my parents were already planning on coming up on Friday to stay the night so they will bring her back up then. Also, Keith's cousin offered to take our dog. What a relief to have such great family memebers who are so willing to help us out!
Great news though, Mason and I are both getting discharged today by about 2 or 3! I am so excited to get him home. We have to follow up with his ped dr tomorrow morning but other than that we are pretty much getting a clean bill of health!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Finally Baby Day!
Yesterday was a little bittersweet for me knowing it was my last day with her as just a mommy of one. I got a little teary eyed at one point thinking this is the last time it's just me and my baby girl! She has been acting up a little lately and I wonder if it's because she knows there is big change coming or if she is just being 2. I don't even know if this all makes sense but if you are a mommy and if you have had more than one child I think you probably know how I feel.
Well, I am heading into the hospital at 7 for the induction to start and my mom and dad are going to come and be with us. My dad will stay for just a little bit then he gets to come and spend the day with Sydney. I think that they will have a lot of fun just the two of them. No one gets a lot of one on one time with her except Keith and I so I am sure that he is excited! I set out all her clothes for the two days we are gone and she has a big sister shirt for both days! I made her one and then found one at Meijer for $2. I am so excited for her to come and visit us at the hospital later today! Then tonight Keith's parents are coming into town and they will be staying with Sydney at the house overnight. Not too sure what we are going to do about Tuesday night yet...we don't really have anyone lined up to stay here with her so Keith might have to come home and stay and leave me alone at the hospital. Not too excited about that but maybe we can work something out.
More to come and loads of pictures too!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
39 Weeks and still Pregnant
Oh, and yes, Mason Thomas is the baby's name. We were going to keep it a secret but when I named this blog JKSM Stephens Family I never really thought anyone would figure out his name. Well, I have two very smart relatives so we were outed! That is ok though! We told our parents and anyone else that asks we tell them too.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Getting Started
Right now I am still pregnant. I was really hoping that I would have had this baby by now. I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday. I go to see my OB on Monday and he will check me. There better be something happening by then! I am so ready to hold this little guy. I really have been trying to get him to come out and he is just like his sister, stubborn! Sydney keeps yelling at my belly saying, "You're big, come out!" She is really funny with my belly. The other day she said she would share her M&M's with her brother and tried to stick it through my belly button! Too funny. I think that she is excited about this whole little brother thing but we will see how it really goes once he comes out.
Sydney is changing and growing so much everyday. I am amazed how much she knows. She can count to 10 in both English and Spanish and she is learning her colors. She knows most of the alphabet. Now, she won't do any of this stuff if she doesn't want to. She is just one of those kids. If she doesn't want to do something, she won't. She is such a joy to have as a daughter but man is she tiring. She just goes and goes. Oh to have her energy!
Keith and I are pretty much the same. Keith is still working at Allegiance Health as a Nuclear Medicine Tech and really does like his job. I am so lucky to have a husband who works so hard so that I can stay at home and raise our babies. We are currently living in Leslie, MI and I really like it her. Very much like Oak Harbor except that no body knows us or our business, yet! The town is very family oriented and I really like that. Not sure how long we will be living here, at least another year, but after that who knows.
I guess that was pretty good for a first blog post. Not really sure how to end these things. I feel like I can't just stop so I guess...Over and out!