I feel as though I have been leaving my amazing little girl out of all these posts. Sydney has adjusted to her little brother so well. I am so proud of her! She wants to hold him all the time and is always checking up on him and letting us know if he is ok. I feel so bad that she has been a little neglected by me these past two weeks but her daddy has taken care of spoiling her. They have been to the park a ton of times and we all went to Chuck E Cheese and the zoo. She has been acting out a little to get attention but I am not sure if that is due to her brother or just the fact that she is 2 1/2. She seems to be the smartest little girl, in my eyes at least! She loves to sing and dance. Her favorite songs to sing are Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Ring Around the Rosie and her ABC's. She loves to dance to the Chuck Theme song...we usually have to rewind the DVR atleast 3 times! She loves to do anything artistic...coloring, painting, chalk, playdoh. She is also my little water bug. She would just swim on her own if you would let her. She hates to be held in the water but loves to be in it! Her new favorite movies are Cinderella and Snow White. We have watched both numerous times through these two weeks. The only thing I am concerned about with her is that she has no interest in potty training whatsoever. She is getting a little old I think and I really want to get on her about it but if I push her I fear she will not want to do it even more. She had a lot of interest last summer and was doing really well but then I got pregnant and was so sick for about 5 months and just didn't have the energy to do it with her. I regret that now but at the time I didn't know I would totally regress her.
I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday it was Sydney that was this little. I know everyone tells you how fast it goes but you don't really know until you have your own. Looking back to when Sydney was a baby I remember wishing the time away. What I mean by that is I would say I just wish she would sleep through the night, or I just wish she was talking or walking already. Now I know not to wish any of this precious time away. I want them to stay little forever. I am so not ready for my kids to grow up. I just want to freeze time and hold on to them forever!
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