Well folks...it's official, we have our first broken bone, and hopefully our last! Last Friday morning Keith and I were rushing around trying to get things ready to go to Ohio. Sydney was playing and running around her room when we heard a crash and crying. I didn't think she was crying hard so I didn't even go to her, Keith did. Well she was actually crying so hard that she couldn't get sound out. She was favoring her wrist and Keith thought right away that it was broken. But if you know our daughter she tends to be a bit of a drama queen so we iced it and waited to see if she calmed down. After about 10 min she was not calming down so I called her doctor and they said to bring her in. I got her ready and headed out. We got there and they took one look at her and sent us to the hospital for X-rays. We ended up waiting about 1 1/2 for results. I was not prepared to be there that long and Syd was restless. We went and ate lunch and shopped in the gift shop. We finally heard from her Doctor at about 12:45 that it was fractured. We had to wait around some more to find out if we could get in to see the ortho that afternoon. No such luck. Her doctor's office said we should just wrap it and we could get in Monday. Keith did not like that at all so he called the ER (since he works at the hospital he can sometimes get things done for us that normally wouldn't happen for others) and they told him to send us in the backdoor (like a VIP haha) and they would fast track us through. We were in and out in less than an hour and they were so nice to us. They gave her a splint and wrapped her all up so she was secure for the weekend. They also gave her a stuffed frog. They wrapped his arm up too so he was just like her! She loved that!

So this morning, Monday, we went to the ortho and got her cast. She picked hot pink (with some prodding from Mommy!) and she only have to be in it till January 5th! She has been so brave and such a trooper. I am so proud of how she has taken everything in stride and believe me it has not slowed her down one bit. She is still running around and jumping off of things like she has two good arms

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