-He now eats two meals of solids a day and is starting to drink from a sippy cup.
-Mason's new trick is scooting backwards! He is soooooo close to crawling! He get's up on all fours and then he can't figure out how to get his legs going.
-He loves playing on the floor now! I just get all his floor toys out and spread them all out on the floor and he just moves to what he wants to play with.
-He is such a happy baby. He really only cries when he needs something.

-He loves to play on the floor as well as his jumperoo. He gets that thing going!
-He is super chubby and I just love it! He is wearing size 4 diapers and wearing mostly 12 month clothing. He still wears some 6-9 or 9 mon but his jammies are all 12 mon!
I can't believe that I am already thinking about his first birthday. I know I have four months but time is flying by and with the holidays coming I know it will be March before I know it. Happy Birthday baby boy!
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