Well, I finally made the decision last week to actually do this potty training thing and not go back. So last Monday we started with pullups and every 30 to 40 min I had a song go off on my phone and that meant it was potty time. She did really good on Monday. Tuesday was horrible! She hardly peed or pooped on the potty at all and kept going in her pullups. So, I talked to my mom and she said just put her in underwear. I will admit I didn't really want to do it because I didn't really want to clean up the mess but I knew she was right. Sydney would just keep peeing in the pullups because she knows she can. So, Wednesday we started our underwear. By mid-day we ran out! I had to pull out the ones that don't quite fit her because she had peed in all of them! Thursday and Friday morning were more of the same. I headed off to Ohio for the weekend and I was so excited to have my mom help me! Sydney peed on my mom's rub and my mom, in a very stern voice, told her she was not to pee or poop at Grandma's and she was to only pee and poop on the potty. Since then, only one accident and that was yesterday! I am so happy she is finally on the potty training wagon! It took such a long time to get her to want to do it and I kept giving up, which is probably why she never took me seriously and always knew she would end up back in a diaper. But I told her this time I meant it and no more diapers unless she is sleeping. I even let her in underwear on the car ride home from Ohio on Monday. That was a horrible trip, she made me stop 6 times and she never went once! She peed the minute she got home. I had put my mom's little potty in my car in the front seat so when we did stop she could just go in there because it is too difficult to take her and the baby in to go the to bathroom. It worked out nice having it but she really just wanted to sit up front and see all the buttons and mess with everything! She is her father's child! I am not sure how long she will be in diapers at naptime and at night but the last two days she has been dry after her nap so maybe that diaper will be dropped sooner than later. I am so excited to not have to spend money on two sets of diapers! I can not even express how proud I am of Sydney. She doesn't even have to be reminded to go to the potty, most of the time she just goes in on her own! What a big girl I have!

Congratulations Sydney on becoming a big girl! Now you can go to school (when Mommy's ready to send you!) I love you my baby girl!
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