Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy One Month Baby Boy

This post makes me so sad to write. My baby boy is one month old today. Where did the time go? I want to cherish every minute and moment of this time because more than likely this is it for me and babies. That also makes me sad but is a whole other topic! I feel like you want to cherish every moment when they are this little but you can't because you are so freakin tired! Especially if you already have a child or children. But this post is about are his likes and dislikes as of now.

-Eating all the time!
-Being cuddled really close
-Being held
-The after bath time when he is all relaxed
-The bouncy Mommy walk! (all you Mommy's out there know what this is!)

-Sleeping flat
-Being swaddled
-Not being held
-Getting his diaper changed or taking a bath

He is currently wearing 0-3 mon clothes but also fits quite nicely into 3 mon clothing! He is a big boy and never got into anything newborn. He currently has blue eyes just like his mommy! He also poops more than any kid I know. We were at the Dr.'s office last week for an hour and he pooped three times and was poopy when we got home! He is usually fussy during Sydney's naptime and then quiets down when Sydney wakes up! He is sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time at night! He then eats and then goes right back to sleep (most of the time!). He is just such a joy and I love watching Sydney interact with him. She just loves him to death. She never leaves the poor kid alone! I just love being the parent to my little man and my big girl!

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