Monday, April 19, 2010

A Challenging Week

What a challenging week we have had. This was my first week alone with the kids as Keith went back to work. Tuesday we made a trip to the doctor because both kids were congested. We didn't get to see our regular doctor we had to see a nurse practioner. She told us that Sydney had allergies and that Mason had reflux. They both had the same symptoms for the most part...congested and bad coughs. Fast forward to Saturday...we are in Ohio for our weekend home and Mason is just getting worse. We decided to call the nurse line through our ped office and they told us that baby's his age shouldn't cough and to take him to a Pediatric ER. We got there and they took a chest x-ray and were told he had a viral cough and to follow up with our doctor on Monday. Our doctor told us he just had a very bad cold and that we can discontinue the Zantac for reflux. That kind of upset me that he has been having all this medicine for no reason. She also said that Sydney probably doesn't have allergies and we could stop giving her the Zyrtec. That also upset me. I hate them being on medicine when they don't have to be. Hopefully they are both healthy by the weekend. That is what the doctor told us.

So needless to say it was a long week with the two sick kids. Sydney did pretty well this week but she is definatly acting more like a two year old and acting out for more attention. She doesn't take it out on Mason, she loves him to death, but she just does things she knows she isn't supposed to do. I was trying to let her do fun things, like I let her paint on Wednesday. She was in my eye sight but I was feeding Mason and then things got really quiet. I went over to check on her and my whole wall was red and she looked as though she had murdered someone! Thank goodness it was Crayola paint and it all wiped right off but I was so mad. I held it together well though and didn't yell at her and freak out. Hopefully this week will go a little better and hopefully they both get better quickly!

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