Sydney is growing up so fast! We are currently in the process of finding a preschool for her. It's so hard because I have super high expectations because of working in daycare's. Sydney is so smart and amazes me with the things that she knows. She picks things up without being taught. She is currently into Power Rangers (which Keith loves to watch with her). Some of her old loves have gone by the wayside...such as Yo Gabba Gabba (which is Mason's fave) and Dora. We don't watch much of those anymore. She is always asking for Power Rangers! Sydney loves playing outside and reading. She is becoming such a girly girl. She always way but since I started selling Mary Kay she is so into make-up. She wants to sell it with me (MK class of 2025!) and wear it all the time. I let her wear some blush, a light eyeshadow and some lip gloss and she thinks she is hot stuff! Syd has also become such a helper. She loves to help with cooking and picking up if I make it fun for her. She is also starting to mimic me as a mommy and talk to Mason like I would. Syd is becoming such a beautiful girl inside and out and I am so proud of her!

Sydney's self portrait
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