My big boy is 16 months already! It's hard to believe! He has really been enjoying exploring this summer. He went from being totally opposed to walking on grass (even with shoes) to running around with bare feet all the time! You can not keep shoes on this kid. He is eating a lot more table food than he was but he still prefers the toddler meals or 3rd foods. I am slowly getting rid of those because they cost so much! Mason now has 12 teeth with another coming through! All four molars have popped. He has such a personality and is such a happy boy. But recently he has begun temper tantrums. He stomps his feet, yells and screams! Screaming is his new thing, when he's mad or doesn't get his way he SCREAMS! That's how I know he has all those teeth! He is talking a lot but we don't understand most of it. He says hi, bye, mama, dada, Lola, yes, no, baby, more, book and many more. Most of the time it's just gibberish though! He is a walking fool and is running around everywhere. He loves music and dancing! He is also climbing! You can't leave him alone for a minute! He is constantly into something and being an explorer. He has recently taken an interest in books, just like his sister! I am very happy with that. He looks at them on his own and doesn't like to sit still to be read to. He has never been a cuddle baby like Sydney was. Mason is such a joy and always smiling! He gives his sister a run for her money and I know I will have my hands full!

Finally big enough to get on and off himself!

Exploring at Stephen's graduation party

Still needs his Mommy!

My happy boy!
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