Friday, October 22, 2010

TEETH or should I say TOOTH!

Well, Mason is almost 7 months old and no teeth. Sydney had teeth at 4 months and by now she had four of them. I was starting to worry but secretly loving it because I haven't been bitten (with teeth) while nursing him. Today I peeked in and I saw that tell tale little slit! I think he will be sprouting a tooth within the next week or so. It is so bittersweet because I have been loving the no biting and his big toothless grin. I am so in denial that he is getting older. He can sit up by himself now and is eating one food meal a day of baby food. Starting next week I am moving to two meals a day. Teeth are just the beginning of him losing that baby look.

1 comment:

  1. Same for Evan! Just this week we've noticed the white spot on the bottom left on his gums. Poor guy has been super happy one day and completely miserable the next. Sometimes you can feel it, other times it seems to disappear a little. Won't be long! I have a friend with a baby boy 2 weeks younger than Evan and he has 5 teeth (2 in and 3 working). Crazy how different it is with kids, huh.
