Monday, June 28, 2010

It's been long time!

Well, I haven't updated this blog in a month! Mason will be three months old tomorrow! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I have been holding off on moving him into his own room and I suppose it is about time. He is such a big boy now! He eats about every 2-3 hours during the day still and he usually has his last feeding between 7 and 8 and then he usually sleeps through the night or gets up around 4 or so to eat and then right back to sleep. He is not a good napper during the day. He will only sleep in his swing now and even in that he will only sleep about 40 min or so. He has become more fussy lately and I am not sure why that is. Probably from the lack of naps! He just adores his big sister! He follows her around the room with his eyes and just lights up when she is near. She loves talking to him, kissing him and hugging him. She always says, "Aww, he is so cute!" and "Mommy, I Love baby Mason!" Poor Mason will forever be called Baby Mason! I just love watching the two of them together. I love it even more when Keith joins them and I get to watch the three of them together! When things get stressful and hectic I just think about how lucky I am to have the three of them and then it is a little easier for me to relax

Sydney just amazes me more and more everyday. She says things and uses words that I have no idea how she knows them. She is putting long sentences together and her memory is incredible! She remembers everything! She loves singing and dancing and she loves dressing up like a princess and pretending to go to the ball! Her pretend play really blows my mind. She is so imaginative and plays so well by herself. She has always been independent like that and from the beginning I wanted to make sure that she was able to entertain herself and not need constant stimulation from other people. She reads for hours in her room. The kid has more books than toys! Which is great but I am running out of places to put them! She is such a water baby and would be in the pool all day if you let her! She likes to take showers now, which I find so grown up. The only thing that she is slow on is the potty training thing. I have no idea how to get her to want to do it. She knows how but she doesn't want to. My mom called her and asked her if she was using the potty and Sydney said, "No, but I should!" She knows what she is supposed to do but doesn't want to. I have bribed her, used gifts, stickers, taken things away and nothing works! I guess she will do it when she wants to but man I would love to save some money on diapers! Buying two sets is terrible!

1 comment:

  1. baby Mason will always be baby Mason, just like baby Kelly is still baby Kelly.. 21 year old baby Kelly :)
