Day 6- Tell us about your best friend when you were 16, and where you two stand today

This is my best friend Kelly. We were best friends when we were 16 and we are still today. We have actually known each other our whole lives. Who can say that their first best friend is also their current one? Probably not too many people. If you want to get technical I have known Kelly since I was 1 month and 2 days old! I always have to remind her that I am older and of course wiser! Kelly has been with me through good times, bad times and hard times. We have seen sadness together and great happiness. She was there with me on my wedding day. I will be by her side for hers. We don't get to talk as much as we used to or see each other as much as we used to but we just jump right back in like no time has passed. She is someone I know I can always count on and I know she is always a phone call away. I would like to think I have been as good of a friend to her as she has been to me. I can't imagine not having her in my life and I hope that day never comes. Kelly, I love you and you are my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me and never judging me through all of my mistakes and bad choices! You are the best!

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