Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 18
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 17

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Mason is 1!
Happy Birthday Mason!
Then...March 29, 2010
Day 16
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 15 (halfway!)

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Day 14
Day 13
Friday, March 25, 2011
Day 12

This is Oak Harbor, Ohio. The small town, I mean village, I grew up in. There were a lot of things I liked about it. I liked that it was a small town, but on the flip side that is also something I hated about it. I liked that I knew everyone in my graduating class but I didn't like that everyone knew all your business. I had some great close friends growing up and we went to school together all the way through elementary school through high school. Would I ever live in Oak Harbor again? No, but I like to visit! But, I would never have wanted to grow up anywhere else. I think I grew up very sheltered, but that's OK. The town I live in now is similar to the town I grew up in and the things that I like about Leslie are the things that I liked about Oak Harbor. I always thought I would want to go away to a big city because was never anything to do in Oak Harbor, but I ended up in a place just like it, and I love it! Sometimes we don't know how good we had it until we look back, but man I had it good!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Day 11
Let me preface this by saying...I am sicker than a dog. I have no energy to search for pictures or post them. But, I still wanted to stay up to date on my challenge posts
It is really hard to pick just one trip that has been the best. The best trip I took pre-hubby and pre-kids was when I was 16. We went to Florida and stayed in Orlando. My sister took one of our cousins who is close to our age and I got to take on of my good friends Beth. We went to Disney and had a great time! We went at the same time as our High school band so we got to hang out with some of our other friends! Awesome!
My best vacation with my hubby was our honeymoon. We stayed in a cabin up in the mountains in Tennessee. We went to Dollywood (ha ha, I wanted to go!) and shopped and just relaxed. It was such a nice road trip and it was such nice weather.
My favorite vacation with my daughter was when we went to the Wisconsin Dells and stayed in an all inclusive resort with a water park. She was still very little, about 9 months old but she did so well! She started crawling while we were there and she did great on the trip. We went with my mom and dad and sister and her friend and we all stayed in a two bedroom suite. We haven't really gone on a trip with both the kids other than a two day trip up to Frankenmuth, MI. That was very fun too, we went with my mom and dad and sister (are you sensing a theme?)!
Keith and I are going on our first trip together without the kids since they were born. We are going to Vegas with some friends in October. I am super excited but also nervous about leaving the kids! I am also nervous about flying. I have only flown once, on that trip to Florida. But the kids will be in good hands with my in-laws and I know we will have a great time!
Sorry for the rambling! Again, I am sick so if this doesn't make sense, I apologize!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Day 10

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Day 9

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Day 8
Day 7
I don't have the picture with my family on here but this is Keith's family. Pretty good looking group if you ask me!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Day 6

Friday, March 18, 2011
Day 5

See what I mean!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Day 4
The person that I can't live without is my husband. We have been together for 10 years this year and married for 5 in September. When we were together for about 2 years we went through a rough patch and broke up. The whole time we were apart I cried and cried. I just wanted to be with him. We didn't stay apart for long because we both can't be away from each other. I know it's pretty cliche for me to write this about my husband but being without him for that short amount of time just solidified in my mind that we were meant to be together and I can not live without him.

Me and my hubby...October 2009 (I know it's old...but not that we have kids we never get our picture taken togther!)
The something that I can't live without because I have tried is my Coca-Cola! haha! I am addicted. In my defense, it is like my morning coffee. I need my Coke to function. I gave it up for Lent once and it was a long 40 days! I LOVE MY COKE!
Day 3

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 2
Monday, March 14, 2011
Day 1

Ok, something I like about myself? I think that I am a good mom and I really like that about myself. I try my hardest to do what is best for my kids and make sure they are happy. I like to think I am raising happy, healthy and polite kids. It makes me happy when we are out in public and someone comments on how well behaved Sydney is. The other day we were at the store and she said, "Excuse us!" to some people and a woman commented on how cute and polite that was. Then she found me later and said it again. That just made me burst with pride!
Day 1- A picture of you and something you like about yourself
Day 2- Something you really don't like about yourself
Day 3- A photo of something you ate today. Was it worth the calories?
Day 4- Something or someone you can't live without, because you've tried
Day 5- Something you definitely could live without
Day 6- Tell us about your best friend when you were 16, and where you two stand today
Day 7- Tell us about your wedding or your dream wedding
Day 8- The best advice you've ever received
Day 9- A photo of your last significant purchase. Did it satisfy a need or a want?
Day 10- What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Day 11- The greatest vacation or trip you've ever had.
Day 12- A photograph of the town you grew up in. What did you love/hate about it?
Day 13- Where are you spiritually? In a valley or on a mountain?
Day 14- If you had unlimited resources, what would your life look like? (Have fun with this one!)
Day 15- Something you don't leave the house without. Why?
Day 16- What do you miss most about your childhood?
Day 17- Something you crave a lot.
Day 18- What is something you wish you could change about yourself?
Day 19- What is something you hope never changes about yourself?
Day 20- The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21- A photo of something that consistently makes you happy.
Day 22- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 23- Tell us something you think no one really knows about you.
Day 24- A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25- Someone who impacts your life regularly
Day 26- How have you changed in the past two years?
Day 27- What is something you need to forgive yourself for?
Day 28- What is something you need to stop blaming yourself for?
Day 29- Something you could never get tired of doing?
Day 30- A photo of you today, and 3 good things that have happened during this blog challenge.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
One Year Anniversary!
Sydney 1 year ago...March 2010
Sydney today...March 2011
Mason 1 year ago...haha 38 weeks prego
Mason today...March 2011
My how things have changed! This past year has been one of the best of my life if not THE best. I am so happy with my two babies and my wonderful husband. Mason will be one soon, which I am in total denial of, and Sydney is becoming such a little lady! Stay tuned for the what this next year will bring!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
11 months!
His schedule goes a little something like this
Between 7 and 8 - wake up and nurse
1/2 to an hour later - one tub of fruit/cereal mixed with oatmeal
10 am - nap
12 - lunch 1 to 2 tubs of baby food
Between 3 and 4 - that second nursing happens around here if it happens at all
5:30 or 6 - dinner 1 to 2 tubs of baby food
8 - nurses and then bed
Pretty standard stuff. I worry he doesn't drink enough or eat enough but he seems happy and he is growing well so I guess that's just me being a mom!
He is talking a lot but isn't saying much! He says, mama, dada, baba and sometimes I think he says Lola (but it sounds kind of like Oooa). He is still my smiley man!
This month marked his first real sickness. He has strep. The antibiotic is causing him to have a wicked diaper rash but he is handling is quite well. I didn't even really know he was sick. Syd and I were sick so I had him checked too, and low and behold he had strep too. You would never know, he was acting totally normal.
Mason also got to go to his first water park this month. He wasn't much for the water. It took him quite a while to warm up to being in the water. He stayed in a splashed for a long time but then he wouldn't get back in once he was out. But he enjoyed watching all the other people around him.
Mason is also quite the dancer! He loves when we play Just Dance on the Wii. He jumps and bounces and moves right along with us. You can tell when it's a song he likes because man he gets moving!
All in all, a good month for Mason. We are not gearing up for his first birthday, which I am in total denial of. I have to get my butt in gear and get stuff bought and get going on his presents. I am so not ready for this!