This post makes me so sad to write. My baby boy is one month old today. Where did the time go? I want to cherish every minute and moment of this time because more than likely this is it for me and babies. That also makes me sad but is a whole other topic! I feel like you want to cherish every moment when they are this little but you can't because you are so freakin tired! Especially if you already have a child or children. But this post is about are his likes and dislikes as of now.
-Eating all the time!
-Being cuddled really close
-Being held
-The after bath time when he is all relaxed
-The bouncy Mommy walk! (all you Mommy's out there know what this is!)
-Sleeping flat
-Being swaddled
-Not being held
-Getting his diaper changed or taking a bath
He is currently wearing 0-3 mon clothes but also fits quite nicely into 3 mon clothing! He is a big boy and never got into anything newborn. He currently has blue eyes just like his mommy! He also poops more than any kid I know. We were at the Dr.'s office last week for an hour and he pooped three times and was poopy when we got home! He is usually fussy during Sydney's naptime and then quiets down when Sydney wakes up! He is sleeping about 3-4 hours at a time at night! He then eats and then goes right back to sleep (most of the time!). He is just such a joy and I love watching Sydney interact with him. She just loves him to death. She never leaves the poor kid alone! I just love being the parent to my little man and my big girl!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
A Challenging Week
What a challenging week we have had. This was my first week alone with the kids as Keith went back to work. Tuesday we made a trip to the doctor because both kids were congested. We didn't get to see our regular doctor we had to see a nurse practioner. She told us that Sydney had allergies and that Mason had reflux. They both had the same symptoms for the most part...congested and bad coughs. Fast forward to Saturday...we are in Ohio for our weekend home and Mason is just getting worse. We decided to call the nurse line through our ped office and they told us that baby's his age shouldn't cough and to take him to a Pediatric ER. We got there and they took a chest x-ray and were told he had a viral cough and to follow up with our doctor on Monday. Our doctor told us he just had a very bad cold and that we can discontinue the Zantac for reflux. That kind of upset me that he has been having all this medicine for no reason. She also said that Sydney probably doesn't have allergies and we could stop giving her the Zyrtec. That also upset me. I hate them being on medicine when they don't have to be. Hopefully they are both healthy by the weekend. That is what the doctor told us.
So needless to say it was a long week with the two sick kids. Sydney did pretty well this week but she is definatly acting more like a two year old and acting out for more attention. She doesn't take it out on Mason, she loves him to death, but she just does things she knows she isn't supposed to do. I was trying to let her do fun things, like I let her paint on Wednesday. She was in my eye sight but I was feeding Mason and then things got really quiet. I went over to check on her and my whole wall was red and she looked as though she had murdered someone! Thank goodness it was Crayola paint and it all wiped right off but I was so mad. I held it together well though and didn't yell at her and freak out. Hopefully this week will go a little better and hopefully they both get better quickly!
So needless to say it was a long week with the two sick kids. Sydney did pretty well this week but she is definatly acting more like a two year old and acting out for more attention. She doesn't take it out on Mason, she loves him to death, but she just does things she knows she isn't supposed to do. I was trying to let her do fun things, like I let her paint on Wednesday. She was in my eye sight but I was feeding Mason and then things got really quiet. I went over to check on her and my whole wall was red and she looked as though she had murdered someone! Thank goodness it was Crayola paint and it all wiped right off but I was so mad. I held it together well though and didn't yell at her and freak out. Hopefully this week will go a little better and hopefully they both get better quickly!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
My Big Girl

I feel as though I have been leaving my amazing little girl out of all these posts. Sydney has adjusted to her little brother so well. I am so proud of her! She wants to hold him all the time and is always checking up on him and letting us know if he is ok. I feel so bad that she has been a little neglected by me these past two weeks but her daddy has taken care of spoiling her. They have been to the park a ton of times and we all went to Chuck E Cheese and the zoo. She has been acting out a little to get attention but I am not sure if that is due to her brother or just the fact that she is 2 1/2. She seems to be the smartest little girl, in my eyes at least! She loves to sing and dance. Her favorite songs to sing are Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, Ring Around the Rosie and her ABC's. She loves to dance to the Chuck Theme song...we usually have to rewind the DVR atleast 3 times! She loves to do anything artistic...coloring, painting, chalk, playdoh. She is also my little water bug. She would just swim on her own if you would let her. She hates to be held in the water but loves to be in it! Her new favorite movies are Cinderella and Snow White. We have watched both numerous times through these two weeks. The only thing I am concerned about with her is that she has no interest in potty training whatsoever. She is getting a little old I think and I really want to get on her about it but if I push her I fear she will not want to do it even more. She had a lot of interest last summer and was doing really well but then I got pregnant and was so sick for about 5 months and just didn't have the energy to do it with her. I regret that now but at the time I didn't know I would totally regress her.
I just can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like only yesterday it was Sydney that was this little. I know everyone tells you how fast it goes but you don't really know until you have your own. Looking back to when Sydney was a baby I remember wishing the time away. What I mean by that is I would say I just wish she would sleep through the night, or I just wish she was talking or walking already. Now I know not to wish any of this precious time away. I want them to stay little forever. I am so not ready for my kids to grow up. I just want to freeze time and hold on to them forever!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Our first few days
Mason has been a complete joy so far. He sleeps really well through the night...about 3-4 hours at a time. He wakes up and eats and pretty much goes right back to sleep. He likes to poop in his sleep though and then you have to wake him up and change him which I hate but I would hate leaving him poopy more. Sydney just loves her Baby Mason and talks to him all the time. Today she asked to leave the park so she could come home and see mommy and Mason. This is the child that you have to drag out of there on any normal day. She asks to hold him all the time too. It has really been a relaxing first real day home with both of them. Here's hoping it stays this way!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A few things I left out
My mom informed me that I did not do my water breaking story enough justice! It was really funny. I will start from the beginning again. The Dr came in and broke my bag in three places because nothing was coming out. The nurse said it was probably because the baby's head was pressed up tight against the cervix and when he moved it would all come out. A little while later while I was still in bed it did start to gush out. I layed there for a while longer thinking it had all come out. I got up to go to the rest room and boy was I wrong! There was a huge gush and I just flooded the floor. Keith went right into Nuc Med mode and started to treat me like a patient which in turn cracked me and my mom right up. He gets his gloves on and is giving me directions on what to do. Meanwhile, my mom is laughing so hard she is choking on her apple fritter and Keith is yelling at her to just sit down so she didn't asperate the fritter which makes us laugh even more. Then as Keith is cleaning it all up he is worried about the socks that I have on, which didn't get wet, telling me that since those are from home I better throw them away! It was hilarious!
Also, when I was doing my laps around the floor, slowly I might add as I was contracting, there was another patient also doing her laps. Only she was freaking running! I think she thought it was a race. She lapped me three times before I could get to the end of the hallway! Everytime she would go past me when I was having a contraction she would look at me like what the heck is her problem. This was her first baby come to find out and she was not having any contractions yet, she was also an induction. I thought, oh honey, just wait! I swore I was gonna trip her. She was going so fast that her husband needed to sit down and rest and she went on by herself in her fake uggs! We dubbed her "Mallwalker"! She later became known on the whole floor by this nickname. When my labor stalled she was still walking and I said I swear if she has her baby first I am going to freak out! By the time I had Mason, she was still walking! Much slower now though! She didn't make it down to the Mother Baby wing until the next morning and she ended up right next door!
These two funny events really made us laugh throughout the day and kept my spirits up!
Also, when I was doing my laps around the floor, slowly I might add as I was contracting, there was another patient also doing her laps. Only she was freaking running! I think she thought it was a race. She lapped me three times before I could get to the end of the hallway! Everytime she would go past me when I was having a contraction she would look at me like what the heck is her problem. This was her first baby come to find out and she was not having any contractions yet, she was also an induction. I thought, oh honey, just wait! I swore I was gonna trip her. She was going so fast that her husband needed to sit down and rest and she went on by herself in her fake uggs! We dubbed her "Mallwalker"! She later became known on the whole floor by this nickname. When my labor stalled she was still walking and I said I swear if she has her baby first I am going to freak out! By the time I had Mason, she was still walking! Much slower now though! She didn't make it down to the Mother Baby wing until the next morning and she ended up right next door!
These two funny events really made us laugh throughout the day and kept my spirits up!
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