Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Update's been a long time! Lots has happened since my last post. Keith has gotten a promotion at work and is now the Lead Tech in his department. I am so proud of him and all that he does to make this family successful! Keith and I have started playing softball on a coed team and we are having so much fun...but we are SOOOO out of shape! We have had many pulled muscles and sore body parts but it has been so worth it! Mason is a walking fool and into everything. He is talking alot and some I can even understand. He is now 14 months and growing and changing everyday. I think we can also officially report no more breastfeeding! He has been sick with strep, again, and hasn't nursed the past two nights so there is no going back from here! I feel as though I did my job and got this far but now he doesn't really need me. He is exclusively on whole milk in a sippy. No more bottles or pumping in this house! YAY! Sydney finished up her tumbling class, which she loved! She took 12 weeks and will be starting again in September when classes start up again. She came so far and it was awesome to see her grow and see where she was day 1 to where she ended! She recently asked me to get her hair cut (for the fiftieth time) so I finally relented and let her do it. It looks so cute and she is now sporting a short bob and a new sassy attitude to go with it! I am also taking on a new adventure by signing up to sell Mary Kay! I am really excited about this new venture and I can't wait to get out there and start doing this skin care classes. I have my first class on Saturday and I can't wait! We are all ready for summer and fun outside! There are so many things I want to do this summer but who knows if we will have time for any of it! I think that is a pretty sufficient update for now!